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Beim Projekt „Attemsgasse 8“ handelt es sich um eine abgeschlossene Crowdinvesting-Kampagne, die auf der österreichischen Crowdinvesting-Plattform „Rendity“ abgewickelt wurde. Die Kampagne konnte ein Gesamtvolumen von € 1.500.000 über die Crowd einsammeln.
The property "Attemsgasse 8" is part of the Remise Kagran and the extensive urban development project "Zentrum Kagran" which was initiated by the City of Vienna in 2011 and is largely in the planning phase. In the course of the development, the Remise is to be expanded on a large scale and covered with a large-volume residential building. The property "Attemsgasse 8" with a site area of 1,472m² represents an integral part of the project "Remise". The development project is scheduled to be completed in its entirety by 2026. The building permit for the project and the rezoning for the property is expected for spring 2022, whereby a refinancing of the invested capital is foreseeable due to the large increase in value of the property. In the course of the overall project, a gross floor area of approx. 8,970m² is attributable to the property Attemsgasse 8, which will lead to forecast sales proceeds of € 66,378,000.
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